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comments from customers who bought over the internet:
"Thank you so much for the oils.the oils smell like heaven.And the Leo and Sag oils...omg! they're smelling just like candy! I will be a walking advertisement for your business for the rest of my life! Thank you so much dear!" Raine (from e-pagan auctions)
Leo Zodiac Oil- This oil is soooo heavenly.  The scent is strong but not overwhelming and it sticks around all day.  Plus as a Leo the subtle but solid scent echoes my nature and make me feel confident (e-mail removed for privacy) CW@ comcast.net

What's your sign? We have oils...$7.00  for a 3/4 ounce bottle....enjoy! ....will be adding candles for your sign also! Enjoy!

Aquarius Zodiac Oil  The Water Bearer.  The House of Friendship. Lucky day is Wednesday. Lucky numbers are 3 and 4. Gemstone: Amethyst. Power stones: Aquamarine, chrysocolla and black pearl. Anatomy: Ankles and circulatory system. Key Phrase: I Know. Colors: Violet and electric blue. Key Word: Unconventional. Flower: Orchid. Tree: All fruit trees. Oils and Incense: Lavender, patchouli, mastic, sage and lemongrass.  Meditation: Creating New Paths by Focusing the Mind.While Aquarius people are of a patient, faithful, and determined nature with great possibilities, this oil is to help give you that extra ‘get up and go’ push you sometimes need to accomplish the goals you are inherently capable of. This is a good choice for idealism, intellectual creativity, and humanitarianism. The unusual fragrance reflects the individualist of the zodiac. Intuitive, unrestrained and eccentric, the Aquarian is a true intellectual.



Aries Zodiac Oil

The Ram. Planet: Mars. Gemstone: Diamond. Power stones: Ruby, carnelian, and bloodstone. Key Phrase: I Am. Key Word: Initiative. Anatomy: The Head. Flower: Geranium, honeysuckle, sweet pea. Tree: All thorn-bearing trees Chakra - 6th & 7th   Tarot Card Emperor Colors: Red. Oils and Incense: Dragon’s blood, pine And tobacco for grounding. Meditation: I Actively Pursue the Fulfillment of my Destiny. Birthstone-Diamond Attitude-I Am Metal - Iron For the dynamic, passionate Aries. Use these fragrances to enhance your natural clairvoyant abilities; in any work you do while healing with your hands, and to enhance your magnetic presence for the capable organizers, energetic born leaders, and clear, direst thinkers. To reflect his/her fiery nature and adventurous streak  



Cancer Zodiac Oil The Crab. Ruling Planet: Moon  Element: Cardinal Water Cancer is a sign that can be relied upon.  For the Reliable, gentle Sensitive and friendly caretaker. Cancers are great lovers of home and family they are cautious and farsighted, but with a restless disposition this scent reflects the strength of their friendship and the calming influence of their presence. This special blend will help you through the many ups and downs of life, change of jobs, and the inevitable upheavals in circumstances so that you can more easily pursue your own happiness it is used to heighten intuition, domestic sensitivity, and Psychic Knowledge. Lucky day is Monday. Lucky numbers are 8 and 9. Gemstone: Pearl. Power Stones: Moonstone and turquoise, Celestine. Colors: Sea Green, silver and pearl white. Anatomy: Breasts and Stomach. Key Word: Receptivity. Key Phrase: I Feel.



Capricorn Zodiac Oil The Goat RULED BY SATURN The House of Business Profession. Lucky day is Saturday. Lucky numbers are 6 and 9. For these practical, ambitious proud people, their special oil will help them get through their disappointments and to release those inhibitions which sometimes can cause one to withdraw from the social life which we all need for a well-rounded personality

Tree: Pine, elm, poplar. Gemstone: Garnet. Power stones: Diamond, Quartz, onyx, and black obsidian. Anatomy: Knees, joints and skeleton. Key Phrase: I Use. Colors: Dark green, brown and black. Key Word: Structure. Oil and Incense: Patchouli, musk, and champas. Flower: Carnation and Ivy. Meditation: Mastering the Challenge of the Physical Plane.



Gemini Zodiac Oil The Twins RULED BY MERCURY Element: Mutable Air The House of Versality and Education. Lucky day is Wednesday. Lucky numbers are 3 and 8. Gemini’s are ruled by the heart instead of the head, are sensitive and idealistic. Gemini needs the assistance of a special scent, which can be relied upon to calm their restless nature, to soothe the tensions, which plague their lives, and to help them out in any emergency. Key Phrase: I Think. Key Word: Versatility. Anatomy: Hands, arms, lungs, shoulders. Colors: Yellow and bright orange. Flower: Lily of the valley and lavender. Trees: Nut-bearing trees. Oil and Incense: lavender, sage and peppermint. Meditation: My Mind is linked to the SourceCurious, sensitive and imaginative, those born under the twins favor a unique combination of soft florals, reflecting their sensual nature. Use these scents to calm your restless nature, to soothe tensions that may plague your life and to help you out in any emergency. - -  Birthstone- Agate Metal   - Mercury Color   - Green    Quality - Mutable Day -Wednesday Body Part   - Arms, Lungs Stomach Chakra  - 4th & 5th    Lucky#'s - 3 & 8 Tarot Card  - Lovers    Characteristics - Sensitive - Intellectual Idealist


Leo Zodiac Oil The Lion. The House of Determination. Lucky day is Sunday. Lucky numbers are 2 and 7. Your special oil will help you keep the active mind, good nature, and enthusiasm (which are the qualities all Leos possess) working for you and help ease any disappointments Use for protection and removing obstacles from your path.. Gemstone: Ruby and peridot. Power Stones: Topaz, Herkimer diamond, black onyx. Flower: Sunflower and marigold. Tree: Orange and all citrus trees. Colors: Gold, black, red and orange. Anatomy: Heart, back and spine. Key Phrase: I Will. Key Word: Magnetism. Meditation: Self Glows with Light from the Source


Libra Zodiac Oil The Scales Balancing. The House of Partnership and Justice. Lucky day Friday Lucky numbers 6 & 9. Planet: Venus. Gemstone: Opal. Power Stones: Tourmaline, kunzite and blue lace agate. Flower: Rose, cosmos and hydrangea. Tree: Almond, cypress and ash. Colors: Blue and lavender. Anatomy: Lower back, buttocks and kidneys. Oils and Incense: Rose geranium, heather, patchouli, and ylang ylang. Key Word: Harmony. Key Phrase: I Balance. Meditation: Creating Beauty and Harmony.


Pisces Zodiac Oil The Fishes. - The House of Invention and Justice. Friday is your lucky day. Lucky numbers are 1 and 2.  Planet: Neptune. Gemstone: Aquamarine. Power stones: Bloodstone, tourmaline, amethyst and sugilite. Anatomy: Feet and lymphatic system. Key Phrase: I Believe. Colors: Violet, turquoise and sea green. Key Word: Transcendence. Flower: Water lily, white poppy and jonquil. Tree: Fig and willow. Oils and Incense: Jasmine, sage, sandalwood, and sweet pea. Meditation: Surrendering to the Heart of Divine CompassionWhile Pisces people are kind, moral, capable, methodical, and logical, they often lack the ability to discern dishonesty and untrustworthiness in others. Wear this special scent to help you interpret the intentions of those around you


Sagittarius Zodiac Oil The Archer, Centaur. Planet: Jupiter. The House of Speculation and Travel. Lucky day is Thursday. Lucky numbers are 1 and 6. One of the most fortunate of all signs. Sagittariuses are strong, vigorous, fearless, good friends, confident, faithful, moral, and blessed with many other good qualities. Tree: Mulberry, oak, birch. Flower: Narcissus, holly, dandelion. Gemstone: Turquoise, Topaz. Power stones: Lapis, sodalite and azurite. Anatomy: Hips, thighs, liver, sciatic nerve. Key Word: Expansion. Key Phrase: I See. Colors: Royal blue and purple. Oils and Incense: Cedar wood, dragon’s blood, cinnamon, copal, tobacco. Meditation: All Things in Harmony with Higher Law is Possible.



Scorpio Zodiac Oil The Scorpion  RULED BY MARS - The House of Legacies and Silence. Lucky day is Tuesday. Lucky numbers are 3 and 7. Element: Fixed Water Those born under the sign of the scorpion are lovers of books and knowledge, reserved, tenacious, determined, self-reliant, independent, and kindhearted ...



Taurus Zodiac Oil The Bull. Planet: Venus.The House of Wealth and Industry. Lucky day is Friday. Lucky numbers are 2 and 7.  Gemstone: Emerald. Power stones: Amethyst, rose quartz, blue lace agate. Key Phrase: I Have. Key Word: Conservation: Anatomy: Neck and throat. Colors: Pale blue, mauve and green. Flower: Violet and poppy. Tree: Cypress and apple. Oils and Incense: Vanilla, rose, heather, rose geranium and ylang ylang. . Metal  - Copper   Color  - Pink. Attitude-   I   Have. Day - Friday. Chakra   - 5th Tarot Card  -Hierophant Meditation: I am Steward of my Environment.



Virgo Zodiac Oil The Virgin. House of Health and Service. Lucky day is Wednesday. Lucky numbers are 7 and 9. Gemstone: Sapphire. Power Stones: Amethyst, rhodocrosite, rose quartz, amazonite. Flower: Morning glory, aster and pansy. Tree: Nut-bearing trees. Colors: navy blue, gray and teal. Anatomy: Intestines and nervous system. Oils and Incense: lavender, pine and tobacco for grounding. Key Word: Perfection. Key Phrase: I Analyze. Meditation: Experience Love through Service. - Metal   Mercury Color- Green    Use this oil to strengthen logic and reason. The planet Earth rules Virgo, and Virgos are known to be Unselfish, and sensible people.



Aquarius Zodiac Carpet Freshener Unique Product to let you have the incredible smell of Aquarius Zodiac Oil during and after you vacuum.



Aries Zodiac Carpet Freshener

Unique Product to let you have the incredible smell of Aries Zodiac Oil during and after you vacuum.



Cancer Zodiac Carpet Freshener

Unique Product to let you have the incredible smell of Cancer Zodiac Oil during and after you vacuum.



Capricorn Zodiac Carpet Freshener

Unique Product to let you have the incredible smell of Capricorn Zodiac Oil during and after you vacuum.



Gemini Zodiac Carpet Freshener

Unique Product to let you have the incredible smell of Gemini Zodiac Oil during and after you vacuum.



Leo Zodiac Carpet Freshener

Unique Product to let you have the incredible smell of Leo Zodiac Oil during and after you vacuum.



Libra Zodiac Carpet Freshener

Unique Product to let you have the incredible smell of Libra Zodiac Oil during and after you vacuum.



Pisces Zodiac Carpet Freshener

Unique Product to let you have the incredible smell of Pisces Zodiac Oil during and after you vacuum.



Sagittarius Zodiac Carpet Freshener

Unique Product to let you have the incredible smell of Sagittarius Zodiac Oil during and after you vacuum.



Scorpio Zodiac Carpet Freshener

Unique Product to let you have the incredible smell of Scorpio Zodiac Oil during and after you vacuum.



Taurus Zodiac Carpet Freshener

Unique Product to let you have the incredible smell of Taurus Zodiac Oil during and after you vacuum.



Virgo Zodiac Carpet Freshener

Unique Product to let you have the incredible smell of Virgo Zodiac Oil during and after you vacuum.





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