Comments by customers who purchased over the internet:
Nag Champa Carpet Powder- The scent is so beyond
amazing! I used it last week on my carpet and can still smell it after
a week of heavy traffic on my floors. It’s the best. I love it (e-mail removed for privacy) CW@ comcast.net
Patchouli Carpet Freshner- I know I
love this carpet powder. It is so fine grained that it does not sit on top of the carpet in clumps but goes deep
down until I vacuum. And....it vacuums up so easily. I used it yesterday as I had friends over for breakfast today.
I just love it and so did everyone else. Godd stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! from z-e@sbcglobal.net (e-mail removed for customer privacy
New Products! Body Powders and Carpet Freshners!
Most containers average 5-6 ounces ....thank you for looking.....the
zodiac powders can be found on the zodiac page...

Patchouli Carpet Freshener
Unique Product to let you have the incredible smell of Patchouli
during and after you vacuum.
those who need confidence and inspiration To increase their creativity, optimism and confidence. Sprinkle on and let the scents
from nature inspire you when you want to be creative, or you need a bit more confidence.
Goddess of Love Body Powder
a body powder blend to bring love into your life or
spice up your existing love life!
Use fabulous body powder that sparkles to entice the fairies
to your side!
To help turn away anger between co-workers or friends....to
help patch up a quarrel or to chill things out at work!
Nag Champa Carpet Freshener
Unique Product to let you have the incredible smell of Nag
Champa during and after you vacuum.
Kindly Spirit Body Powder
when you want others to like and sympathize with you and you want to make friends! Sprinkle on as you wish!
Not medically proven- but very old folk recipe for Increasing
fertility, helps a woman become pregnant or prevent a miscarriage, and increasing male sexual potency. Sprinkle on yourself
prior to the event, or regularly depending upon why you are using it.
Sprinkle this powder around your home if you
have been fighting with your partner, or if the house is upset and chaotic, to calm things down again.Leave down if you wish
- vaccum up when you feel it is right!