We did the Moline/Rock Island Show at the KOA fairgrounds this past week
end....Camping out with freezing temps brings out the best or the worst in people and in Ren Faire people- it seems to bring
out the best! Let me add a side note here- I am speaking of the vendors, the volunteers, the players, the food merchants,
the families of the above.....I have never met a group of people that come from all walks of life that pull together when
the going gets rough to make best out of bad situtation! It is the one thing that keeps us coming back to the shows time after
time...and if we didn't have a booth....we would be there to support them just as customers! We also got lots of pics that
I will be adding to our photo album (link on home page) just as soon as I can!
Well, The Ren Faire in Amana had it's bad parts this year......we had
one day of almost solid rain! Yet we must say this about the Ren Faire People...if you have to be stuck away from home with
people and rain pouring down in solid sheets! They are the BEST!!!! Sorry I don't have pics to post....the
camera got broke...won't go there.....BUT it was a GLORIOUS show with the REN FAIRE people!
Recently we went to HOBO DAYS in Britt Iowa! It was very interesting....learned
quite a bit! It is held every August! I would Highly recommend it for parents to take their children to learn about History
in a very easy format! thank you People of Britt!
We had a great time at the Des Moines Ren Faire- even with
the problems getting there! And as you can see- we even killed hubby! It was all good clean fun! We saw some friends from
the Amana Ren Faire and made some new ones! Just because the Ren Faires are over for this year- doesn't mean we are done selling!
Look for our candles on auctions or place an order!
We went to the Iowa Renaissance at Amana - Labor
Day weekend...and had a great time.....We saw some interesting costumes and made some new friends....and hope to see them
We were allowed the privilage of seeing skills that we
have not seen for a long time or ever seen before! It was a huge learning exerpence on our part....and we would like to thank
the people that we met! And we are so glad that we were allowed to participate!
There was a beautiful woman in a fairy costume going around
the fair....bestowing fairy treats on everyone!

Amana Ren Faire 2004 |