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Monday, 13 September 2004

ok...I tried to post some pictures and it didn't work...so I guess I will have to put them on the website for everyone to see!

Posted by spiritsoftheearth at 1:04 PM CDT
Updated: Monday, 13 September 2004 1:14 PM CDT
Saturday, 11 September 2004
Arts And Craft Fair
Mood:  celebratory
We are going to be at the Hawkeye Carver Arts and Crafts fair this weekend and then we got invited to the Fall Fun Festival at Kalona later this month!!!
We are so excited!!!!

Next week- I will be updating the website with more pictures....new candles....oils....and herbs for sale!!!

I will also be posting pictures from the fairs as we collect them!

Keep your eyes out...we are going to be coming up with exciting items!

Take care! And feel free to stop by for the shows!!!

Posted by spiritsoftheearth at 10:01 AM CDT
Sunday, 22 August 2004
We are adding new molds that haven't been seen to this area! So it would be a great idea to see our booth at the renaiassance fair at Amana!
We have less than two weeks before our show! and we are working on candles, oils and herbs like crazy!!!

We are working to have great prices and to pass those prices to you!

Posted by spiritsoftheearth at 9:05 AM CDT
Tuesday, 3 August 2004

Mood:  incredulous
"met me at the fair" the words to the song are going through my head! We are going to have a booth at the Renaissance Fair in Amana in Sept....!!!
Also the words to the song "I'm so excited!"- are beginning to go through also!
I know the words- "I can't believe I decided to do this" are going to go through my head also because we are going to have to have pre-make approx. 1000 candles for this! Scented and Unscented!
Deep breathes and organization will get us through this! I hope!

Hope to see you there! It's September 4,5, and 6th in Amana, Iowa!

Posted by spiritsoftheearth at 11:19 AM CDT
Sunday, 1 August 2004

Mood:  bright
It's herb drying time...We would much rather be with Dakota today...As he has his party to celebrates getting off his casts!!!
But as I write this- Hubby is out cutting some herbs...and we are fixing to start drying them again!And the forecast is HOT...HOT....HOT!!!

So we may be listing herbs on here for sale....or they may be on our listings on e-bay...where our candles have done well...or another auction site! Please check out our auction links to see!

Posted by spiritsoftheearth at 9:01 AM CDT

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