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Monday, 17 October 2005
boy am I behind!
ok- the faire season is over...but that doesn't mean that things are done and over with....we are having a candle sale Oct. 21-22 at our place...31 Modern Way....and if you need directions- e-mail me...thanks

Posted by spiritsoftheearth at 5:50 PM CDT
Tuesday, 6 September 2005
Well we are back
Mood:  accident prone
don't have many pictures to post of the Amana Show...Hubby broke the camera Friday night...and not many places were open over the weekend as it was a holiday to replace it...But we saw alot of old friends from previous shows...made some new ones and had a good time despite the rain!

Posted by spiritsoftheearth at 10:25 PM CDT
Sunday, 21 August 2005
Amana Ren Faire
Mood:  bright
Well- we went to the Britt Hobo Days and it was very interesting...now we are getting ready for the Ren Faire! We still have Oils at Riverside and candles at Gypsy Magic-Don't forget they have our current catalogs and you can walk in to their shops and order candles there anytime! or oils! We will be at the Amana Ren Faire again this year! Hopefully next to the pub again! Hope to see you there! Take care driving as the gas prices rise!

Posted by spiritsoftheearth at 8:49 AM CDT
Updated: Sunday, 21 August 2005 10:58 AM CDT
Wednesday, 13 July 2005
What's up?
Mood:  cheeky
Well- have been updating the webpage and the catalog! New looks here and there! Drying herbs and other things are going on! Busy Busy Busy! Need 3 people some days to do the work of one person! Check out the webpages!

Posted by spiritsoftheearth at 9:00 PM CDT
Monday, 13 June 2005
We haven't been doing any shows because .......
Mood:  bright
We have been taking a business course....Some people would say that a person should do this first...but we do things as we can...Today we are taking brownies made with our chocolate mint and our peppermint to class and chicken salad made with basil and other herbs....that come out of the garden....I love to cook almost as much as I love to make oil blends!

Posted by spiritsoftheearth at 12:53 PM CDT

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