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Monday, 13 June 2005
We haven't been doing any shows because .......
Mood:  bright
We have been taking a business course....Some people would say that a person should do this first...but we do things as we can...Today we are taking brownies made with our chocolate mint and our peppermint to class and chicken salad made with basil and other herbs....that come out of the garden....I love to cook almost as much as I love to make oil blends!

Posted by spiritsoftheearth at 12:53 PM CDT
Saturday, 19 March 2005
What's New with us?
Well- we have been making some oils....white sage and chamomile to name a few....working on molds and getting lots of ideas of things that everyone wants for future products....
We are working on them....and not ignoring people's ideas....however we only have 24 hours in the day....and for some reason...hubby wants eating and sleeping in there every single day!
We also have a HUGE milestone coming up this year! Hubby's daughter will be graduating from high school...We are unsure of her future plans....But have great hopes for her...
She has great potential....and we hope whatever path she chooses...it is a bright and happy path....

Posted by spiritsoftheearth at 2:30 PM CST
Monday, 28 February 2005
Where have we been?
Mood:  rushed
Sorry we haven't been posting....I have been filling orders and coming up with new products this winter and writing a book!
Hope your holidays were merry and bright and everyone got what they wanted! You have probally noticed a new look to our website....and there will be more changes coming in the future!
I have been making oils....and coming up with other new products and we have some BIG changes in the family!
Now we are planning to be at The Sycamore Mall in Iowa City the Weekend of March 10th....and then the Ren Faires are starting soon! Hope to see you! Also you can find our products at Whispering Winds in Cedar Rapids, Iowa!!! Great Shop!! And Spirit Wolf - Great Person! Mark your calendars!

Posted by spiritsoftheearth at 12:24 PM CST
Monday, 29 November 2004
We haven't been posting on here ....because!
Mood:  don't ask
We have been busy! Whispering Winds in Cedar Rapids is now carrying some of our stuff and that has kept us busy...The holidays have started....We have auctions on E-pagan listed....
I (the candlemaker...accountant...mold-maker...etc) have been busy trying to get caught up with paperwork...making candles....advertising....Whew! there has been so much to do! Plus...if you notice we have been working on the web-site...and displays for up-coming shows!
Don't forget...e-mail us if you just want to ask a question! Questions are free! Thanks.....until next time!

Posted by spiritsoftheearth at 1:42 PM CST
Sunday, 17 October 2004
Unwinding at home
Mood:  chatty
Well- it seems that the faires are over for the year....but it doesn't mean that we are done with the candles!
We are still creating new items...planning more things to add...bringing plants indoors and getting ready for the winter and hopefully having fresh herbs to dry all winter long!

We are planning to add more oils...already had a couple of requests and going to do our best to come up with things that have been asked for! So we are still working and are not planning to stop!

IF you don't see what you want...send us an e-mail- we may have it and haven't gotten up on the web-pages yet! we did do 3 shows in 5 weeks!
Or maybe we haven't thought of it yet! we do our best to satisfy you!

Posted by spiritsoftheearth at 9:07 PM CDT

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