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Sunday, 17 October 2004
Unwinding at home
Mood:  chatty
Well- it seems that the faires are over for the year....but it doesn't mean that we are done with the candles!
We are still creating new items...planning more things to add...bringing plants indoors and getting ready for the winter and hopefully having fresh herbs to dry all winter long!

We are planning to add more oils...already had a couple of requests and going to do our best to come up with things that have been asked for! So we are still working and are not planning to stop!

IF you don't see what you want...send us an e-mail- we may have it and haven't gotten up on the web-pages yet! we did do 3 shows in 5 weeks!
Or maybe we haven't thought of it yet! we do our best to satisfy you!

Posted by spiritsoftheearth at 9:07 PM CDT

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